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In the support articles, I found this. My products are not grouped nor labled (production, test, development). How are others finding this?
How will Home work if I have more than one (e.g., test & production) instance of a product?
When you have multiple instances of a product, such as a test instance and a production instance, Home will group them together using an expanded view. This expanded view will display the name of each instance and provide you with the flexibility to select and access the specific instance you desire.
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Hi there David,
Welcome to Ideagen Community and thank you for your question. It appears there is some some confusion, and I appreciate the opportunity to clarify the expected behaviour, specifically for Smartforms.
The behaviour that you described in your question relates only to other products within our portfolio (Quality Management, WorkRite, and Please Review) and not Smartforms. Depending on the Smartforms customer, there are two ways in which environments/instances can be handled:
Users have a separate URL for their Test and Production (User-facing) environments, or
On the login or server settings screen, the user enters a customer name which identifies 'Dev' or 'Production'.
Whichever way your system is set up, Ideagen Home will only allow you to ‘Launch’ the environment you are wishing to log into. If you would like clarification on how your system handles differing environments, I would encourage you to reach out to your Account Manager, or contact
To ensure we can investigate this further and prevent any future confusion, could you please share the link to the article you read? This will help us ensure that it is not associated with Smartforms. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
I hope this helps! If you have any other questions or need additional information about Smartforms or any of our products, please don't hesitate to reach out.
When I log into our portal I am redirected to Ideagen Home. The attached image shows my options. There are 6 instances of Smartforms Middleware. Because they aren’t identified, it is guess and check for which one I need to choose. Not helpful.
Hi David -
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
The behaviour you've described seems like it could possibly be a defect. I recommend that you, if you haven't already, raise a ticket with our support team at They'll be able to assist you, gathering the necessary details in private, and get this resolved as quickly as possible. (I have contacted Support directly as well to make them aware of the situation ahead of hearing from you.)
Your feedback is valuable to us, and with every new release, we encourage feedback like yours to ensure that all edge cases are addressed and resolved. This helps us provide you with the best experience moving forward and learn from our mistakes to improve in the future.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ideagen Quality Management Professional certified administrator training