File approval workflow now supports rejection status | Ideagen
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Huddle release 189 includes a new Reject approvals workflow which provides reviewers with the option to add comments when approving a file when reviewed but now includes the ability to reject a document after review. Reviewers can add comments and provide vital feedback to document creators for faster turnaround. 

To learn more about this feature read on!  The latest release note can be found here.  

Allow users to reject a file approval

Once a document is assigned to a reviewer for approval they are presented with the option to Approve and also to Reject the document after review.


Reasons for rejections

Before a rejection is submitted the reviewer has a chance to provide viral feedback to the users through a comments box. This provides vital touchpoints for the creators to understand why their document was rejected and make improvements.


Comments for approvals

Provide feedback even when you approve the document; let writers know they have done well and give them some positive feedback they take with them. 


Final file status is shown

Approved or rejected status are shown against the document.




The reject approvals feature adds a viral piece to the document review process. Reviewers can now approve and reject a document after review and document creators get vital feedback to make changes much faster than before.  

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