Audit Management Solution's Secret Weapon: The Inter-Location Findings Applicability Review | Ideagen
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Hello Ideagen EHS community!

Imagine having this super cool tool that connects all your locations, sharing the audits findings, to proactively take action and ensure compliance for better workplaces. Well, that's our Audit Management Solution's Inter-Location Findings Applicability Review.

You can find this advanced feature for Corporate Audit Type, in the advanced details section, to enable “Inter Location Audit Findings Applicability Review for this Audit (Read Across Findings)”.

Once you have created a corporate audit for multiple locations, whenever your organization have reported an audit finding from one of the selected locations, you should be able to see from the other locations audit findings applicability review on the Findings (left panel section), when opening the audit from the web version, then you should see at the top of the screen the “Finding Across Audit Locations” button, to track all Findings reported from the same corporate program and create the respective follow ups for your location.

No more working in silos, apply these lessons from one location to the others, to increase proactiveness.

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