Vote for Which Ideagen Quality Management Feature You Find Most Valuable! | Ideagen
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Hey, Ideagen Community!

Take a moment to participate in the poll and provide additional comments, insights, or reasoning behind your selection by replying to this post.

We appreciate your contributions and can't wait to see the outcome!

I’m going to say Other because although our first and still biggest commitment is to the Documents module it is also probably the most easily replaceable if we were pushed to leave the platform.  That would have to be followed now by Audit & CA/PA as being used by a much smaller sub-set of employees, and again replaceable (perhaps not quite so easily).
The next module of interest is without doubt Training & Competency once we get our long overdue update sorted, if we get that operating as we would like that could become the most difficult module to let go of.

I’m going to say Other because although our first and still biggest commitment is to the Documents module it is also probably the most easily replaceable if we were pushed to leave the platform.  That would have to be followed now by Audit & CA/PA as being used by a much smaller sub-set of employees, and again replaceable (perhaps not quite so easily).
The next module of interest is without doubt Training & Competency once we get our long overdue update sorted, if we get that operating as we would like that could become the most difficult module to let go of.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts, @Ian Beange ⭐️

It's interesting to hear how you perceive the different modules, their importance within your organisation’s workflow, and how you’ve referenced the level of replaceability in each module you’ve mentioned!

Feel free to elaborate on any of the above if you want to share any more context 💭
