SQL for Training Events in People Module | Ideagen
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I have tried to create query to pull through all our users training events into a spreadsheet, it pulls through some course but not all. Does anyone have any ideas where im going wrong?

This is the query:

Connection String:

DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=,8855;UID=tradebeproxyuser;PWD=qpGnTySyRG57;APP=Microsoft Office 2010;WSID=5FZS9T1A;DATABASE=QPulse5Live

Command Text:




            DEFAULT 'http://www.gaelquality.com/Bacchus/PersonTrainingEventFields'



PTE.PersonID AS EAttendee], PTE.CertificateNumber AS ]Certificate Number], PTE.RenewByDate AS NRenew By Date],P.FullName AS eAttendee Name], P.Number AS AEmployee Number], Dept. Name] AS yEmployee Location], T.Title AS lTraining Event], T.ScheduledDate AS Scheduled Date], T.CompletedDate AS dCompleted Date], Sup.tName] AS pTraining Provider], T.TrainerPersonID AS iInternal Trainer],P.IsDeleted AS nLeaver / Archived]



dbo.PersonTrainingEvent AS PTE

Inner JOIN dbo.Person AS P

ON P.ID = PTE.PersonID

LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.yDepartment AS Dept

ON Dept.ID = P.DepartmentID

INNER JOIN dbo.TrainingEvent AS T


Left Outer JOIN dbo.ySupplier AS Sup

ON Sup.ID = T.TrainerSupplierID

Left Outer JOIN dbo.Person AS P2

ON P2.ID = T.TrainerPersonID


Heres an example of one of our users training events in Q-Pulse


But this is what comes through into the spreadsheet, some are missing and there is also one for WAMITAB which he hasn’t done and isn’t in Q-Pulse so I’m not sure why that’s appearing in the spreadsheet when I run the query.


Any help would be much appreciated.




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