Report Designer - creating a list from using the filter string Notified Date not within 30 days | Ideagen Success Cloud
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Report Designer - creating a list from using the filter string Notified Date not within 30 days

  • 14 May 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi All,

 I have been tasked to create a new report for our outstanding document acknowledgements >30 days.

I have tried to use the normal parameters that i use to get from the document module list but when I go to the report designer there is no way to add 30 days in the filter string section.

Can anyone point me in the right direction at all?

2 replies

Badge +1

Hey @Makcrown ,

In order to create a report for all outstanding document acknowledgements within the next 30 days, I would suggest going onto the Workload tab located on the launch pad, filtering the look ahead to ‘Next Month’ and clicking the green icon to run the search, highlighted in the following screenshot. You will then need to look for the ‘Distribution Acknowledgements’ under the Documents tab and click on the number associated, which will bring up a list of all the documents. This should then allow you to run a report ‘from current view’ and return the report required.


Should you continue to experience issues with this, I would suggest raising a ticket with our Support team so that one of our colleagues investigate further by navigating to

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I have a similar report that shows all documents with their copyholders and days since distribution. I managed to create a rule via filter string. Below are examples of what rules I used and also what the report looks like. 

Filter string rules 
To get the “This month” value you will need to select the pen icon, scroll down the list and choose “Date and time constants”
Results without the filter 
Results with the filter

“Days since distribution” is a calculated field, if you’re interested, I have added a screenshot of the properties. 


Calculated field properties and expression

Just to add, I have also tried using the calculated field as a condition for filter string but it unfortunately then does not print any of the copy holders if at least one of the copy holders has had the document distributed to them less than 30 days ago. 


Sorry for the longwinded reply. Drop me a message if you would like help with it. :) 


Kind regards

