Report Designer - Approvers List | Ideagen
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Hi there! 


Stuck on a query with Report Designer. 

I am trying to get it to list all approvers of a document and their response (or blank if haven’t responded). So far what I am able to get is either just 1 approver and it doesn’t list the rest or just the approvers who have responded. 

Hope someone can help! 🙂 Thanks.


Kind regards

Monika Blinstrubyte

If you choose “approved by” and “approval comments” in the view fields option, that will should give you what you are looking for. I also always add the ID, Title, and approved date to make sure that I am seeing the right thing.   

You can also double check you have repeating sections on the report.  If you add the field to a repeating section then this will show all approvers.  

You can find more details at Adding repeating sections to reports


I have a similar report to show each draft approvers response and date as well as the document approval cycle status i.e. Submitted, Stopped, Complete. I have attached a file showing the report designer configuration.

Hopefully this helps.

Best Regards,


@Steven Crossan is absolutely correct.  This report shows the “bands” you need to add.  Current Approval Cycle will show information related to the cycle (status, when it was submitted, etc) and then the Approval Items band will show users, their response, etc.

Thanks for sharing Steve!
