Report Designer | Ideagen
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Is it possible to create a report where the fields are specific Document Types?


Document Type: A, B, C, & D are in a list view in the report.

Need this tips too

There’s a couple of ways to do this:

If you’re doing this on a flat list (e.g. a document list) then you would need to search for the data in the Document module and then launch the report.  Reports will show whatever data you have in the module list view so you would search for Type A-D, and then launch the report. You can save your searches to make this quick and easy in the future.

You can find some details on this at:

How to Find the Data You Want to Report On

If you’re doing this in a repeating section where you have a recurring list of information (e.g. approvers, copyholders, etc) then you can use a filter string:

Using the Filter String in Report Designer
