Each month I’ll be sharing a useful tip and trick that I’ve picked up from my years as a Consultant within Ideagen with the hope that it might be something even the seasoned IQM Pro veteran isn’t aware of. This month we’ll be looking at the relationship between CA/PAs and Documents.
A common topic that came up with clients was that it’s all well and good that you can access CA/PA records related to Assets/Audits/Incidents/Suppliers/Customers from either module, but the documents only seem to work one way (from within the CA/PA Module).
If the above sounds familiar, you’ll happy to hear that there is actually a way to track and trend all non-conformances related to a document from within the Document Module and below I’ll show you just how this can be achieved...
1. Log in to IQM Pro and open the Document Module. Once here, select the Document of interest.

2. Double Click to open that Documents Detail View. Once here, use the View dropdown menu and select Related Non-Conformances (it’s as simple as that!).

3. Once Related Non-Conformances is selected, a CA/PA List View window will open with only the Non-Conformances that have this Document Record selected within the CA/PA record.

You can also make this process more affective by classifying the document field as mandatory within the CAPA Field Sets.
Tune in next month for another useful tip that will hopefully come in handy to you one day!