Document Distribution | Ideagen Success Cloud
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Hi All,

We are currently using the Distribution functionality on the Document Module to control the issuance (distribution/acknowldge) of our paper logbooks however do not have the option in the module  to record when they are returned.

Does anyone have any suggestions of how they manage this process?



Hi Colin, I’m making the assumption that these logbooks are still at an active revision and being returned to a location /shelf as person does not require their use, however you want to retain the fact it was distributed to them and subsequently acknowledged? It’s possible you can use the “comment” field of the Copyholder to add a note such as “LogBook returned on <>” which would retain the original distribution and acknowledgment to the person. Would this work for you?



Hi Paul,

Thank you for your response.

Using the comment field is unique to individual logbooks so could be a good tool for tracking the logbooks when they are completed.

Many thanks 


