Changing a stage name | Ideagen
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Hello -  does anyone know if there is a way to change the name of a stage in the Customer module? I want to change the name of the “Compliments” stage to something else. Any compliments we receive (and let’s face it, there won’t be many...) will be added in the properties. 

As far as I know, I don’t think it is possible to rename the Compliments stage in the Customer module. 

What did you want to change its name to? There might be another way of achieving what you want.

We are in a situation where we would like to also change the stage names in the Customer module. If there is a way, please advise. 

Hi Amy, the Compliments area within the Customer details record is essentially a fixed “tab” or sub page (although granted, it is presented like a stage CA/PA or Incident). Its label is not editable or customisable, however I can  log it as an enhancement  for future consideration, but to help understand context, can I ask what you would “repurpose” this area for?
