How to obtain badges and ranks | Ideagen
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While looking through Ideagen Community you may have noticed that some users have icons against their profile. These icons represent the ranks and badges that our users have achieved simply by asking questions, replying to others, and providing useful answers. This article will detail what each of our badges and ranks mean so that you can strive to earn them.

Please be aware that some ranks and badges may be reserved for Ideagen employees or associates and are not achievable. These have been indicated on this article.

Who is this article for?

  • Registered users who want to learn about our badges and ranks
  • No requirement to be an existing customer


Our community badges are displayed proudly underneath your profile picture. These community badges are awarded to users who have met certain requirements whilst interacting with the community. Below you can see a list of our badges, however this list is not exhaustive, so be on a look out for future additions.


Founding Member

This is an exclusive badge which is only available to earn by users who register for Ideagen Community between its launch on the 1st of July 2023 and the 1st of October 2023. Don’t worry if you haven’t received your badge yet, we will be awarding this in waves.



You can be awarded this badge if one of your posts receives the most amount of likes within a particular period.


Discussion Starter

If a post recieves a lot of replies within a particular period, its creator will be awarded with this badge.


Most Valued Post (MVP)

This badge is awarded to the users who create a post which others have marked as being particularly helpful to them during a specific period.


Answer Badge

Users can be awarded this badge by providing good answers to others. There are several versions of this badge that a user can earn so keep providing amazing answers to your peers.


Reply Badge

Users can be awarded this badge by replying to their peers within the community. There are several versions of this badge that can be earned the more replies that you provide.


Post Badge

Users can be awarded this badge when they post something within the community. Like the ones before it, there are several versions of this badge that can be unlocked the more that you post.


You may notice that some users have special icons next to their profile picture. These display which rank the user has within the community. The more that you use the community, the more that your rank might grow. See the list below for a detailed description of what each rank means.

Please be aware that some ranks cannot be achieved as they are reserved for Ideagen use only.


Ideagen Employee

If you notice the following icon next to a user’s profile picture, then this means that they are an employee of Ideagen. This rank cannot be achieved by anyone outside of Ideagen.


Customer Council Member

This icon represents that the user is a member of the Ideagen Customer Council and is a respected member of our community. This rank cannot be achieved by anyone who is not an official Customer Council Member.



When you first join Ideagen Community, you will see this icon next to your profile picture. This lets our members know that you have just joined and that you may need a little help finding things around the community.



Once you have got comfortable within the community and have started interacting with users and posts, you may see your rank change to this icon.



We can see that you’re enjoying being here with us as you are continuing to interact with others.



We’ve started to notice that you have engaged in lots of conversations with others, and you have even started some discussions of your own.



We know that you’re someone who can provide others with great answers, keep up the good work.



You are an imparter of wisdom to others. You love providing amazing answers and discussing lots of topics with other members.



You love our products, and you love helping others within the community. Thank you for providing expert advice which your peers find extremely useful!